Telephony over IP in business : A major development area for SoluCom
- Februar 28, 2006 Regulated information
The SoluCom Group has just published the results of its first large survey of Telephony over IP (ToIP) in business. This survey was carried out by SoluCom on a representative sample of 402 French companies with 200+ employees. ToIP is a technical solution that facilitates handling IP (Internet) communications right to the user's telephone extension.
Positioned in infrastructure consulting, one of the strongest segments of a market expected to grow 6 ? 8% in 2006 according to Syntec Informatique, the SoluCom Group intends to apply its know-how and strong skills base to this major technological breakthrough. The SoluCom Group is already involved in the initial strategic planning of several major accounts that are trailblazers in this field.
Over the coming months the SoluCom Group intends becoming the uncontested partner of major accounts in an emerging market that holds enormous development potential, in the light of the key results of the survey, detailed below.
Towards massive adoption:
89% of medium-sized and large companies believe ToIP is an unavoidable development. Companies have started an unambiguous move towards ToIP. 17% of medium-sized and large companies say they have already implemented a ToIP solution and 50% are running studies on the subject.
Towards accelerated projects:
75% of businesses say they want to have their main ToIP deployment complete before 2010. Today just 7% of sites of companies over 200 employees have a ToIP solution. This percentage should reach 31% of sites by 2008.
Strong expectations for return on investment:
48% of companies expect savings in excess of 10% on their current telephone budget. Interesting fact: 40% of them are prepared to accept a slight degradation in availability if this will facilitate further savings.
A market open to breakthrough solutions:
Thus Skype is under consideration for 40% of companies questioned.
About the SoluCom Group
The SoluCom Group is active in infrastructure consulting in the telecoms, work stations & data center, security and software/middleware infrastructures segments.
The Solucom Group's client roster includes some very prestigious names, all of which are very large accounts including: ADAE, Air France, Air Liquide, A NP E, Arcelor, B NP -Paribas, Bouygues Telecom, Canal+, CNAM-TS, EDF, E.Leclerc, France Télécom, Gaz de France, Groupama, Groupe Crédit Agricole, La Poste, L'Oréal, Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Education and Justice, Neuf Cegetel, Nouvelles Frontières, PSA Peugeot Citroën, PPR, Saint-Gobain, SFR, Siemens AG, SNCF, Société Générale, Suez, Total, Valeo.
SoluCom is listed on Euronext Paris – Eurolist – Compartment C and is a member of the NextEconomy segment.
ISIN code: FR0004036036 – FTSE: 972, Services Informatiques ? Mnemonics: LCO
Financial agenda : 09/05/06 annual turnover 2005/2006
SoluCom Pascal IMBERT CEO Tel.: +33 (0)1 49 03 25 00 Pascale BESSE CFO Tel.: +33 (0)1 49 03 25 00 |
Kaparca Finance Guillaume LE FLOCH Analysts ? Investors Relations Tel.: +33 (0)1 72 74 82 25 Nadège MORLAIS Press Office Tel.: +33 (0)1 72 74 82 24 |
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