
Barometer: business executive confidence in new technologies

Published May 13, 2024

  • Data & AI
  • IT Strategy & CTO Advisory

In brief

Wavestone has teamed up with Viva Technology to launch the first barometer, conducted by OpinionWay, on business confidence in tech in France, Germany, the UK and the US.

IT Strategy & CTO Advisory · Technology-driven Transformation

Viva Technology Barometer

Download the publication (EN)

Objective and Methodology 

Between November 2023 and January 2024, our team conducted a study in partnership with VivaTech and OpinionWay, aimed at assessing business leaders’ confidence in Tech and exploring current technological trends.

This quantitative study involved 1,006 representative executives of private companies with more than 50 employees who are involved in strategic decisions relating to the development of their company and are interested in technological advances, and was carried out from 8 to 22 November 2023. The sample was drawn up using the quota method and weighted according to salary size, business sector and geographical location.

A qualitative phase was then carried out, enriching this statistical analysis by gathering the insights and perspectives of more than 10 business leaders, offering a more complete and in-depth view of current technological issues.

Some key figures
  • 86/100 Business leaders’ confidence score in new technologies.
  • 96% of managers consider that the adoption of new technologies is crucial to their company’s competitiveness.
  • 72% have a positive opinion of new technologies over the year.
  • 63% identify AI as the most promising technology for the future of their business.
  • 93% believe that major technological innovations are one of the solutions to today’s challenges.
  • 85% of companies will increase their investment in new technologies over the next 12 months.
  • 94% recommend a career in the technology sector.

Our first observations 

In a difficult economic context, business leaders are maintaining a solid level of confidence in new technologies, seeing them as essential to their competitiveness. Cybersecurity, Cloud Computing and 5G are emerging as pillars of the digital landscape, while Artificial Intelligence is seen as the most promising technology for the future. Despite the benefits, integrating these technologies poses challenges in terms of talent management and ethical issues. Nevertheless, 94% of executives would recommend a career in the technology sector, underlining their confidence in its potential for growth and innovation. 

Our partners

About Viva Technology

VivaTech accelerates innovation by connecting startups, tech leaders, major companies and investors responding to our world’s biggest challenges. Each year, over four exciting days in Paris, VivaTech creates Europe’s biggest technology and startup event, exploring the most disruptive topics in tech with world-premiere demos, launches and conferences in a collaborative ecosystem. This is where business meets innovation.

For more information go to our website at or follow us on social media @VivaTech. 


About OpinionWay

Founded in 2000 and a pioneer in the digitalization of research, OpinionWay has been a forerunner in the transformation of marketing and opinion polling. Our mission: to make the world intelligible so that we can act now and imagine tomorrow. On the crest of a wave of continuous growth since its creation, the company has never stopped expanding its horizons to better address all marketing and societal issues, both BtoC and BtoB, by integrating social insight, the use of smart data, the creative dynamics of co-construction, community approaches, text mining and storytelling into its methodologies.

OpinionWay was awarded two Trophies in recognition of this dynamic innovation at the Trophées Etudes & Innovations 2023: the GOLD Trophy in the ‘Consumer Satisfaction/Customer Journey and Experience’ category and the SILVER Trophy in the ‘Trends and Foresight’ category.


  • François Bitouzet


    Viva Technology

  • Eva Rosilio

    Account director & Head of innovation incubator

