Becoming a Wavestone shareholder
To buy Wavestone shares, you can:
- Do so directly with an ordinary securities account, a PEA (share savings plan) or a PEA-PME (share savings plan for financing SMEs and SMIs)(1), via your usual financial intermediary (bank, online broker, stockbroker)
- Contact Uptevia, our registrar, to open an account and acquire pure registered Wavestone shares
(1) Wavestone shares are eligible for the PEA-PME scheme.
Uptevia – General Meetings Department
Cœur Défense, 90-110 Esplanade du Général de Gaulle
92931 Paris la Défense Cedex
Tel: +33 1 57 78 34 44
Different ways of holding Wavestone shares
There are two distinct ways of holding shares:
- Bearer shares: this is the most common form of shareholding in France. You are not registered with Wavestone, but only with your financial intermediary, who is the only one to have your name. You do not automatically receive information about Wavestone.
- Registered shares: the shareholder’s name appears in Wavestone’s records, which confers a more privileged relationship with the firm. There are two ways of holding registered shares:
- Pure registered shares: your shares are registered directly with Uptevia, Wavestone’s securities service, and you manage them yourself. You automatically receive the notices and documents relating to the General Meeting
- Administered registered shares: this type of shareholding combines the characteristics of the previous two. Your shares are registered with Wavestone’s securities department, but are managed by your financial intermediary. You also receive information about Wavestone
I am a bearer shareholder, what are the advantages of switching to registered shares?
You will automatically receive information about Wavestone and notices of General Meetings. However, if you wish to remain a bearer shareholder, you can still benefit from information about Wavestone. Remember to take the necessary steps with your financial intermediary to attend our General Meeting.
How do I place a stock market order?
Who should I contact?
- If you hold bearer shares or administered registered shares, please contact your financial intermediary
- If you are a pure registered shareholder, you should contact Uptevia, Wavestone’s securities department
How do you formulate an order?
“Limited price” orders
This involves placing a buy (or sell) order with a maximum buy price (or minimum sell price).
The “best limit” order
This order will be executed at the best of market supply or demand, i.e. it offers no guarantee of price.
“Market order”
This order has priority over other types of order. It is executed for the maximum quantity desired without controlling the price.
Stock market orders must be clearly worded and give the indications mentioned below:
- The name and ISIN code of the security to be traded
- The nature of the transaction: buy or sell
- The quantity of the security to be traded
- The execution price
- The validity period of the order (maximum end of month)
Investor Relations
Paris Tel: + 33 (0)1 57 78 34 44
Shareholders’ area:
Uptevia – General Meetings Department
Cœur Défense, 90-110 Esplanade du Général de Gaulle
92931 Paris la Défense Cedex