Data & Artificial Intelligence

Data, an undeniable added value for your company

The main challenge for Chief Analytics and Data Officers? Scaling the value of data exploitation and artificial intelligence (AI). With AI consulting, Wavestone helps companies turn their data ambitions into reality.

While born-digital companies already leverage AI and data exploitation as differentiation drivers, legacy companies are still working to achieve this critical milestone.

The explosion of omnichannel customer relations and online sales, the in-depth reinvention of supply chains with their social and environmental impact, and the increasing need to understand, attract, and retain talent… The digital transformation of companies requires, even for the most advanced, profound changes. To exploit the full potential of AI and Data, companies are moving towards less generic use cases, serving the singularities of their industry. The success of these projects depends on the ability of business units to adopt a Data/AI-by-design logic, while benefiting from real support resources (Product Owner Data, Data-Evangelist…).

We guide you in mastering the value chain, from strategy to implementation  

We bring value at every stage of your transformation. Our teams’ skills cover all the necessary know-how for Data and AI projects.  

  • Define the level of ambition (vs business challenges and assets)
  • Prioritize topics according to business value and complexity
  • Build a data roadmap

We support you with AI consulting for successful digital transformations  

We seamlessly mobilize our business, human, and technological skills to support your projects. Our conviction: AI and Data only make sense if they respond to real-world challenges and concrete use cases in line with the company’s strategy. 

  • Our multidisciplinary teams master the specificities of many sectors and functions. Our experts bring a business perspective of the issues and data.
  • Our top-notch technological expertise is involved from the framing to the industrialization of your data transformation projects, including all the underlying issues (platforms, Cloud, architecture, security, etc.).
  • Our operational know-how is embodied in the profiles of Data Scientists, Engineers and Analysts. Our teams support you in the implementation of the recommendations made and the use cases identified, with the aim of increasing the maturity of your teams.
  •  +200 Data experts
  •  +100 Projects
  •  +400 Business experts trained in Data

A strong investment in the Data & AI ecosystem

As an independent firm and a pure player in the consulting industry, Wavestone helps shape data use for large companies by staying current on industry trends, engaging in relevant debates, and monitoring emerging technologies.

Technological partnerships

While maintaining their independence, our teams continually learn from industry-leading offers and services. We have thus established privileged relationships with major technological players.

Academic ecosystem

We intervene within the framework of courses or events, at the invitation of engineering and business schools.

Wavestone joins datacraft, a leading community on Data & AI  

datacraft is a learning & coworking Club for data scientists. It allows data scientists and data engineers to share best practices and train with their peers. datacraft enables cross-fertilization and helps accelerate the implementation of Data and Artificial Intelligence projects. The first base opened in February 2020 in Paris, gathering pioneer member companies. datacraft is also hosting 600+ high level data science researchers and freelancers in residence. Our mission is to contribute to an efficient and responsible use of data.

Our latest impact  

Explore our latest thoughts and insights and discover our clients’ most recent success stories.

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    Government & International Institutions · Data & AI

    Introducing DSA, DMA and Europe’s reasoned protectionism

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    Does the ecological transition really need Artificial Intelligence?

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    Insurance · Data & AI

    Large language models in insurance: Hype or real productivity boost?

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